Our Lady's Messages are the Heart of The Medjugorje Web™. They are Messages of Peace and Love, and are meant to guide each one of us to a closer relationship with God. Our Lady has appeared in Medjugorje every day since June 24, 1981 to present. Beginning on March 1, 1984, Our Lady began giving Weekly Messages to St. James parish in Medjugorje and the World. Then, on January 25, 1987, Our Lady began giving these Messages on the 25th of each Month. After 35+ years, Our Lady still appears to 3 of the visionaries daily (Marija, Vicka, and Ivan).
The 25th of the month message is always given by
Our Lady to the visionary Marija Pavlovic'
“Dear children, May this springtime be an encouragement for personal conversion for you, that with your lives you may pray and love God above all, for all those who are in need. Little children, be my hands of peace and prayer; be love for all those who do not love, do not pray and do not want peace. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”
“I call each one of you to begin to live as of today that life which God wishes of you and to begin to perform good works of love and mercy.”
( From message, March 25, 1987 )
“¡Queridos hijos! Que este tiempo primaveral sea un estímulo para la conversión personal, a fin de que con sus vidas puedan orar y amar a Dios por encima de todo, y por todos los que están en necesidad. Hijitos, sean mis manos de paz y de oración, sean amor para todos los que no aman, no oran y no desean la paz. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado. ”
“Los invito a cada uno de ustedes a comenzar a vivir la vida que Dios desea de ustedes y a comenzar a hacer buenas obras de amor y misericordia.”
( From mensaje, 25 de marzo de 1987 )
Read the message given to ALL of us from Our Mother Mary here.